F-30. |
Friendship is like
pissing in your pants, every1 can c it but only u can feel
its true warmth. Thank u 4 being the piss in my pants. |
F-29. |
A good friend is
like a good bra... hard 2 find, comfortable, supportive, prevents
u from falling, holds u tight and is always close 2 ur heart!
F-28. |
frèñds are Lìke The Wìnd - Yöu
will Nèvèr knöw Whät's ìnsìde
Thèìr Hèärt, Büt U'll älwäls
Fèèl Thèir prèsèncè,
Hèy..! Are Yöu Fèèling Mè..?
F-27. |
I am a killer,
I kill people for money. But because you are my friend, I'll
kill you for nothing! |
F-26. |
Friendship is like
a precious flower, ready to bloom every hour. It may stop
growing or keep on flowing but you"ll still have it forever. |