GM-70. |
The smile is like
a sim card and life is like a Cell phone, whenever you insert
the Sim card of a smile a beautiful day is activated... A
Morning is a wonderful blessing. |
GM-69. |
We're not too close
in distance. We're not too near in miles. But text can still
touch our hearts and thoughts can bring us smiles. Good morning. |
GM-68. |
People vanish,
people die. People laugh and people cry, Some give up, some
will try, Some say hi, while some say bye, Others may forget,
but never will I.. Good morning. |
GM-67. |
A Morning is a
wonderful blessing, Either stormy or Sunny, It stands for
hope, Giving us another start of what we call ...... GooD
MoRnInG.... have A nice dAy. |
GM-66. |
L%k out$ide, it$
$o plea$ent* Sun is $miling 4 U* Tree$ dancing 4 U* $tanrs
$inging 4 U* $ky praying 4 U* Cloud$ l%king 4 U* & ME
mi$$ing & waiting 4 ur msg or call. Good Morning. |