GP-10. |
Sending u '1000'
smiles, take one for now & keep remaining 999 under ur pillow.
Pick out 1 everytime u think of me, b'coz i wanna c u smiling
always.. |
GP-09. |
Never hurt a heart
that cares for u, bcoz wounded hearts r like crushd flowers
dat never bloom again but leave d perfume on d hands dat crush
them............... |
GP-08. |
Sensible Thought:
Do not loose what you have, by desiring what U dont have;
Because, what you have now, is one of the many things, u once
desired.... |
GP-07. |
Its always better
to loose ur pride with someone u luv rather than loose someone
u luv 4ur useless pride. |
GP-06. |
Victory is not
the measure of the position where you are, rather than it
is the amount of obstacles crossed by you to reach that position...... |