GR-75. |
A child on a farm
sees a plain flying by overhead n dreams of a far away place.
A traveler on d plain sees d farm n dreams of that. That’s
life. We never realized d value of the thing unless it moves
away frm us. Enjoy d moment u hav with u. Gud Day |
GR-74. |
Night is given
by God to forget today's bad experiences & actively wait for
tomorrow's challenges. Gud Night and wish u all success in
ur challenges!! |
GR-73. |
The more u count
ur blessings, the more blessings u'll have, to count! I always
do & I count u as the nicest blessing! God Bless u each day!
GR-72. |
Yesterday is but
a dream, tomorrow is only a vision, but today well lived makes
everyday a dream of happiness & every tomorrow a vision of
hope. Luk well, therefore to this day. |
GR-71. |
Be a diode to remove
- ve thinking, a transistor to amplify the Character.... a
resistor to drop Bad habits and a capacitor to store Good
thoughts. Gud Day |