GR-105. |
A very original
Good Night wish only for U! Beware of the cheap duplicates...
I'm the only authorized dealer for Good Night wishes. Good
Night...Sweet Dreams. |
GR-104. |
If you are stressed
you'll get pimples... if you cry you'll get wrinkles... Then
why don't you smile & get dimples? Keep smiling. |
GR-103. |
The stars r out,
the moon is up, 1 more HUG, 1 more smile, KISS u once, KISS
u twice, now it's time 4 bed. Close ur eyes n sleep tight!
Good Night! |
GR-102. |
Life has no rewinds
n forwards. It unfolds itself at its own pace. So never miss
a chance to live today to make a beautiful story for tomorrow.
Gud Day. |
GR-101. |
'Talking once with
a genius is equal to the knowledge of reading books for one
month' is a Chinese proverb. So feel free to contact me any
time. |