GR-135. |
On the path of
success always lies big O's, many read them as Obstacles,
only few read them as Opportunities. Attitude matters a lot.
So always be positive. |
GR-134. |
When God solves
ur problems, u have faith in his abilities. When he doesn’t
solve ur problems, he has faith in ur abilities! Gud Morning. |
GR-133. |
No one will manufacture
a lock without a key. Similarly, God won’t give problems without
solutions. So, go fearless and face it! |
GR-132. |
Don’t expect much
from others and get disappointed, but do not disappoint those
who expect much from U. Gud Day! |
GR-131. |
Your kindness may
be treated as your weakness still be kind. Your help to others
may go unneeded and unnoticed still be helpful. Gud Day! |