BD-140. |
May u have all
the joy ur heart can hold all the smiles a day can bring Happy
B’day |
BD-139. |
and laughter, joy and cheer... Hope your B’day brings all
these and more! |
BD-138. |
If i could fulfill
your hearts desires 2day, i will, but since i cant, i pray
that ur day will be filled with happiness, love, n greatness......
Happy Birthday n Many Returns |
BD-137. |
Because time itself
is like a spiral,
something special happens on your birthday
each year: The same energy that God
invested in you at birth is present once again.
Menachem Mendel Schneerson |
BD-136. |
Wishing you not
just a smile but laughter,
Not just happiness but joy,
Not just riches but wealth,
And most of all love and peace of mind.
Happy Birthday |