MS-125. |
People Will Hate
You, Rate You,Shake You And Break You. How Strong You Stand
Is What Makes You. Think BIG,Be Not Afraid Of Anyone |
MS-124. |
The man of wisdom
is never of two minds; The man of benevolence never worries;
The man of courage is never afraid. |
MS-123. |
Decide Carefully
Exactly "What You Want In Life". Then Work Like
"MAD". To Make Sure You Get It. |
MS-122. |
Patience And Tension
Are Opposites Of Each Other..
Bcoz Patience Makes You Mentally Strong..
Tension Makes You Strongly Mental..! |
MS-121. |
Success is like
a beutiful lover, it will leave us at anytime but failure
is like a mother it"ll teach us some important lessons
of life. |