MS-180. |
As rain pours
dn, wish ur heart is filled with pristine joy dancing wid
the swaying trees n heart glowing wid d thunder! Hv a joy
- soaked day. |
MS-179. |
A hug charms,
warms and makes everyone happy.That must be why god gave us
arms. Keep hugging each other. |
MS-178. |
Light is around
us always, only d intensity differs! Lodestar shows us d way
in d darkest nights, thanx to the Creator! Prayers for a beautiful
life always! |
MS-177. |
Success is the
problem, Failure is the formula.. You cant solve the problem
without knowing the formula...!! |
MS-176. |
The heart us a
vert good Fertilizer. Anything you plant - Love, Hate, Fear,
Hope, Joy - Surely grows and bears fruit. It is you who decide
what to harvest. |