MU-15. |
Never luk for a
Gud Face, it'll turn old one day; Never luk for a Gud Skin,
it'll wrinkle one day; But luk for a loyal heart, that'll
miss u every day. |
MU-14. |
Gud frnds r those
who care without hesitation, who remember without limititation,
who giv without expectations & who lov without even communication...
MU-13. |
I aLwaYs MiS u
bCoz U R niCe 2 mE. I fEEl sO luCkY 2 hAv U bCoZ U R D kInd
oF peRsOn eVeRy1 LonGs 4, nIDs sO mUcH bT. sElDoM fInDs. i'LL
B 4eVeR ThNkFul D dAy i HaV u... |
MU-12. |
Either i open my
eyes or close 'em, Either i breathe in or out, Either awake
or asleep, Either alone or with company. There is only one
thing i can think of, "why do we have to be so far away?"
MU-11. |
Sometimes, I forget
to say hi, Sometimes, I even miss to reply, Sometimes, my
msg doesn't reach u, But, it doesn't mean that I forget u,
I’m just giving u time to miss me! |