ND-30. |
The texts u send
me night & day, like jewels in my heart they stay; And so
2 God I always pray the best of blessings be urs each day.
Have a Nice Day |
ND-29. |
The world will provide
you with stones every day; what you build out of it is you
outlook - A Bridge or a Wall. Gud Day |
ND-28. |
Luck has a particular Habit of favouring
those who don't depend on it!
So Believe in Yourself & find a way to Achieve ur Goals!
Hav a gr8 day!! |
ND-27. |
H- apPy FeElInGs
U- nIvErSaLlY wArM & fUzZy
G- rEaT 2 gIvE & 2 rEcEiVe
S- uRe 2 MaKe AnYoNe'S dAy
I hOpE tHiS
MaKeS uR dAy BrIgHtEr |
ND-26. |
Flowerful Morning!
Colorful Noon!
Joyful Evening!
Peaceful Night!
Be Happy
It is Going 2 be
A Fantastic Day 4 U...
Have A Nice Day |