RL-180. |
Relationship is
like Tajmahal -
Everybody wonders how beautiful it is!
But nobody can understand how difficult it was to build &
maintain!! |
RL-179. |
In the hand of
life its not important to hold all da good relation. But its
more important how good u behave with da relation which u
RL-178. |
My sweetest memory
- UR msg!
My biggest sadness - The distance!
My biggest hope - i will see you soon!
My strongest prayer - our relation continues 4ever. |
RL-177. |
Some relations
never demand personal presence!
Its d confidence in d relation which assures dat wen needed
d person will always b vd u!! |
RL-176. |
A beautiful relationship
doesnt depend on how gud understanding we have vd someone!
It depends on how well we avoid misunderstandings!! |