R-290. |
Luv is a basta**
it can treat u like dirt Theres always a risk of u getting
hurt. Luv is restless & luv is a flirt. Luv has places
to go & people to hurt. |
R-289. |
Keep ME AS A ~*Friend*~
*~&~* I'LL KeEp ~*U*~ IN MY SWEeT (''''*'''') '''v'''
Lock it up & the Key Throw AWY>>>>>>><>
So NO 1 can take not away I LUV U AEY. |
R-288. |
A special smile
a special face. A special someone I cant replace. I luv u
I always will. u've filled a space no one can fill! |
R-287. |
U are special,
crucial, valuable & treasured to me. No one can take your
place in my heart. |
R-286. |
How can it be that
I am sad & happy at the same time ... it's because I know
... that you aren't back until tomorrow |